Vienna Symphonic Library - Bassoon Ensemble

Vienna Symphonic Library Bassoon Ensemble

Nie war eine Orchester-Library so gut [...], nie gab es so viele, qualitativ höchstwertige Samples in Verbindung mit einem intelligent gemachten Sampleplayer. Gerade letzterer stellt nicht nur für alle Computer-Orchestratoren einen großen Sprung nach vorne dar, sondern er festigt auch die Positionierung von VSL als Speerspitze technischer Innovation gepaart mit orchestraler Authentizität gegenüber der Konkurrenz. 
Martin Gerke, Sound & Recording, März 2007

While Woodwinds I is fine for basic woodwind arrangements, certain instruments on Woodwinds II are indispensable for serious orchestral work. The combined cost of the two collections is hefty, but quality usually comes at a price; if you need a comprehensive woodwind section capable of every musical nuance under the sun, the pair offer an immaculate solution.
5 Stars, Sound on Sound, November 2006

It’s fair to say that Vienna Instruments are pushing the boundaries of how sampled instruments sound and play. Offering unprecedented control over articulations and expression, VSL’s Vienna Instruments afford professional composers and mockup masters with one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated instruments on the market. The recording quality is uniformly excellent, the performances are consistently superb, and the range of articulations is exhaustively comprehensive.
John Krogh, Keyboard, August 2006

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that you’re actually playing what you hear – the transitions are that smooth. Nothing else can do that. [The player’s] interface is very clear, and it takes no time to learn your way around it. I was able to load 1.745 GB of samples into the 2GB installed on the Windows machine, which is absolutely phenomenal – over half a gig more than anything else has ever loaded on that computer. Still subjectively, VSL’s greatest strength – apart from the subtlety of expression you’re able to achieve with such a vast selection of articulations – is somewhat intangible: the notes all have a meaning. This especially true for the short woodwinds; rather than just going “toot”, their possibilities are immediately obvious. All the major software samplers have improved by leaps and bounds in many important areas, but they haven’t necessarily focused their efforts on making the wonderful new libraries they spawned easy to manage. The Vienna Instruments player sets new standards in that category, and also in its memory access performance. That, combined with the incredible breadth of the library itself, allows you to do some things nothing else can do.
Nick Batzdorf, Virtual Instruments Magazine June/July 2006

The Vienna Instruments combine full instrumentation with the greatest musical depth of any orchestral sound library. The Vienna Instruments Player has the power to make orchestral samples sound more realistic than ever before, and its highly flexible switching system reduces the strain of setting up arrangements.
Dave Stewart, Sound on Sound, July 2006

Firma: Vienna Symphonic Library

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