“[…] the library really comes to life in the four dynamic ‘performance legatos’, which feature wonderfully smooth (because they’re real) note transitions. These are particularly evocative in the alto’s and tenor’s quiet notes, a beautifully emotive articulation which would grace any melody line. I was also impressed with the accuracy and control of the spooky octave glissando slides. All in all, a perfect match for the Vienna Choir sections and a useful, expressive addition to the Vienna sound world.”
Dave Stewart, Sound on Sound, August, 2016
„Ausdruckstarke Ergebnisse liefern die Solo Voices, wenn man sich in den Komfortbereichen der Interpreten bewegt und vom gegebenen Tonumfang oben und unten ein paar Töne vermeidet. [...] Mit den Performance-Legato-Samples werden realistisch klingende Gesangsmelodien auf der Klaviatur spielbar gemacht, die sich überraschend beweglich zeigen. Die Stimmen bringen mit ihrem natürlichen Vibrato die richtige Intensität ein, um den Zuhörer nicht nur zu täuschen, sondern im besten Fall auch zu berühren.“
„Fazit: Ein derart umfassendes Sample-Produkt für Solostimmen gab es bisher nicht. [...] Die Library bedient dabei das Klassikgenre mit authentischem Klang hervorragend und kommt ausdrucksstarken Gesangs-Performances erstaunlich nahe.“
Andreas Moisa, Keys, Juni 2015
"Huge cinematic choirs are very much in vogue at present. Their use is restricted mainly to background pad work or chanting and therefore avoid the scrutiny of upfront listening. It is a brave developer, then, that dares to compile a sample library of solo classical voices where every syllable will be clearly heard. VSL, though, has pulled it off here for sure. The results are really very impressive."
"[…] cinematic composers who might at first pass this library by would be wise to give it a second listen." […] the Vienna Solo Voices are beautifully sound, meticulously recorded and, as a collection of seven individual singers, the best you can get."
Verdict [9/10]:
+ Seven classical voices
+ Excellent coloratura soprano
+ Blends well with Vienna Choir
Keith Gemmell, Music Tech, April, 2015
Firma: Vienna Symphonic Library